“Monster” role

“Monster” role

In the show I’m about to start rehearsing, I’m playing a monster. You know, that kind of repulsive human being who tortures people with no reason beyond being cruel. Well, at first pass it looks like that. And I don’t want to play it that way, for...

helpful websites

Keeping track of some of the sites I am referencing for building our crowdfunding campaign.   https://medium.com/swlh/every-resource-we-used-to-plan-and-launch-a-75k-kickstarter-campaign-cc5897f71bfd#.mxv3ro26f
Intimacy For The Stage

Intimacy For The Stage

There’s tons going on in my world right now: I’m co-producing a film that I’ll later be co-starring in (big kickass fight in it!), teaching lots of private lessons, mentoring some new fight directors, and the usual professional actor pursuits.   The...


I’m in the process of refocussing and revitalizing. If you’ve been following my travels for many years, you’ll notice that my numerous travels and training adventures are now on this one blog! Bear with me as I re-categorize everything, as well as...


Look at this kid’s structure! In a way, it’s not surprising. We keep talking about “look how kids move”, so if she’s been using martial structure from the time she was beginning to move, no wonder she’s on it! Toddler Form &...

Move As Fast As You Can Think

Run the choreography at a speed at which you can easily remember what comes next. Do all of the actions and any acting beats — pauses in movement, but not pauses in intention — in the right order without stopping. Usually, this is a much slower speed than...


This video is making the rounds. I’m currently dabbling in penmanship, so I eagerly gave it a watch, and then at 2:07 I was struck by what Master Penman Jake Weidmann says about what it took to get to his high level of skill and artistry: I seems to me that...