Stages of Learning

When you’re being immersed in new skills and information it can be helpful to remember that learning is a process, and most of us don’t just magically look at something and “get it”. Here is a theory that was developed at the Gordon Training...

What to do in rehearsal period?

Practice what you learned today. Do all of the exercises you can remember. Ask your classmates to run partner drills with you. Do solo drills and ask a classmate or an instructor-type (instructor, assistant, journeyperson) to be an outside eye and catch little...

Our mentors

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. -Isaac Newton (and others) Judging by the people that are referenced in the blog, you’d think that Burning Mountain had studied with very few people. However, please know that we have learned...

Tie up loose ends

Just a couple days left. Be sure to take care of any loose ends that you can. You WILL NOT have time for the rest of your life during the workshop. If you do, your time management and stamina far exceeds that us mere mortals.


Most of us have had food poisoning, or the stomach flu, yes? We have all experienced the fatigue of not being able to eat. Now, think about how amazing it feels when you can eat a good nutritious meal again! And I’m not talking about junk food, but nutritious...

Scenes for my classes

The intermediate longsword test fight will be choreographed to this scene. The advanced broadsword and shield fight will be choreographed to this scene. Get started on reading...

Injury Prevention: wrist alignment

An alignment error I see a lot is over-extension of the wrist.   Your wrist alignment should be in a biomechanically-sound position.   Remember that when you’re using a sword, you are hoping to make contact with your adversary and therefore meet some resistance....