Performing a fight scene in a show is essentially sprinting at the end of a marathon. Every night you experience the intense build of an emotional story and then it explodes, both emotionally and physically, into fight scene. First previews an opening nights are an additional challenge as your fatigue from the rehearsal period and tech week are probably catching up with you, added to the adrenaline of having an audience.

Performing your fight tests is even more so. It’s two weeks of intense preparation, capped with the pressure of wanting all of that hard work pay off with certification.

One thing you need to do is cardio. Whatever works for you: sports, yoga, the gym. Just get your cardio in.  That’s it. If you do nothing else to prepare for this workshop, improving your endurance will make a huge difference.

There are other things you can do, too… that’s for another day.

Before beginning any new exercise/conditioning program, you should consult your physician, physical therapist, athletic trainer or strength and conditioning coach.

The exercise area must be safe and free of hazards.

Do not attempt any motion that causes you pain, and never force your body into positions.

Use of any information provided in this website is solely at your own risk.