What a joyous and awesome way to start my European tour. Literally awesome. Like, I was struck with awe.

I visited my mentors Peppe and Maria at their theatre program, which happens to have a number of my friends and colleagues as students. I haven’t seen these friends perform in at least a year and a half. I am so grateful to everyone for allowing me to observe today’s class, and for feeding my soul with their beautiful process, the way they dove into the work, and their complete trust in their fellow performers.

And then we went for fika*! We had a wonderful discussion in Gamla Linköping over coffee and goodies, and then walked back to the car (to be dropped off at the train station) through a beautiful forest path.

By the way, if you are looking for a theatre program, you MUST look in to Scenkonst at Valla Folkhögskola. http://valla.fhsk.se/utbildningar/scenkonst/in-english-2/. Because of the way the Swedish school system works, this two-year program is free, whether you are Swedish or International. Taught in English. They accept only 16 students, and it includes 2 to 3 places for people who are also focussing on teaching. Applications open until April 15.

I mention it in such detail because some of my transformative study was under Peppe and Maria, and I am seriously tempted to drop everything and study with them for two years.

*Fika is the Swedish practice of taking coffee breaks. Often. With cookies. (I love this place)