Quote of the Day

“Specify, not simplify.” – Brad Waller Clarify the details, rather than washing over them in an attempt to be done faster.  The work suffers, the story is not clear, and you sacrifice safety.

Movie Review: Robin Hood (2010)

I’m wondering why so many people seem to be so against the new Robin Hood movie.  I really enjoyed it until the last 20 minutes or so (poorly shot fights, very difficult to see what’s going on, some bad plot choices), but until then, so very enjoyable....

Your suggestions

I received lots of feedback from my post about Rusty Weapons, and began to wonder what other information my readers are interested in. Send me your questions either by adding comments to this post, via twitter (@fighteractress) or on facebook, and I’ll use those...

Rusty Weapons

I was chatting with Nick Oddson about weapons care the other day.  He has a great studio which, unfortunately, is a bit humid.  This causes the weapons to rust at a faster rate than normal.  I suggested RIG Rust Inhibiting Grease, which is reportedly the the best...