Unarmed Martial Arts For Actors

In less than a month I’ll be teaching Theatrical Martial Arts* (TMA) at the Nordic Stage Fight Society’s Summer workshop. The next couple of weeks will be featuring some suggestions for how to prepare for this kind of movement.   One of the common...

working out at home with rags

Back to maintaining fitness. Here’s a series of workouts you can do in a relatively small space, with no equipment other than some rags or washcloths! Have fun! … and be mindful of your structure! You want quality over quantity....

100 no-equipment workouts

Oftentimes, our obstacles to working out regularly include the following: we don’t know what to do we don’t have access to a gym or classes we don’t want to or are unable to purchase exercise equipment we think we don’t have the space to work...

Preparation Time!

Hello friends and colleagues! The summer is well upon us, and with it, the stage combat workshop season. I hope you’ve been doing all your prep work: eating well, keeping your joints healthy, keeping an eye on your alignment, getting into fighting shape…...