The gypsy and the classical violinist

When Brad talks about uniting technique and process, he often uses the example of the gypsy and the classical violinist.  The gypsy plays a violin with intense feeling (process), and the classical violinist’s strength is impeccable technique.  While we’re...

Sweden Summary

I’m on the train to the airport now. Just passed Norrköping. There’s been a lot of activity since my last post, so I’ll start with a brief summary. We finished up with group two in a similar fashion to the first group: blade actions and scenework. On that Thursday and...

Day Two, Group Two

Just a quick one tonight. Need to get to bed. Great day today. Lots of revelations (although, that seems to be par for the course these days. Awesome), the biggest one being that I had fantastic use of energy. I was so efficient and present, I was jumping so high and...